@metrograph: Friendship btw women has always been one of the biggest sources of confusion in my life. (Comparing to that my relations w men is simple, blunt, almost stupid). The relation btw Apple and Susan is definitely idealistic, yet undeniably real. Perhaps I want to and need to believe in such fantasy. (w/ Li Chen)
没想到这部剧最后落脚于“身份认同”小女儿敏感多疑、始终想和家人公开自己的性取向却找不到时机大女儿伪装得周到坚强只能默默承受大儿子有案底想要证明自己值得信赖小儿子被寄予厚望但内心深处恐惧成为自己的父亲凯瑟琳肉眼可见的累还要苦苦支撑Michael 将成年后所有的谎言归罪于童年父亲对他自我暴露的否定表面上能言善道的adult电视剧门第大结局其实是随时会爆发耍赖的孩子这么说来还是比诺什扮演的剪辑师最follow the heart她的不妥协源于自我内心的信任她的信任不以外界言论所动摇相信就在一起不相信便离开ps.最后一集的剪辑和叙事太精彩了