We kept asking ourselves why are we fascinated by stories like this. I guess it’s always fascinating to see people throwing their energy into something for their passion, no matter what, even though they are pretty clear everything in reality is a mess, until they get “there”, or not “there”. That path itself is fascinating.
看一群话剧演员大战德意志乐太有意思了两条蛇分别在我的两个洞里里面的包袱和巧合一个接着一个图拉先生真的是以为伟大的演员 ❶图拉三次说到“To be or not to be” ❷图拉夫人在被教授邀请当“间谍”时候的智慧 ❸飞行员在教授不知道图拉夫人是谁时候的推测 ❹图拉在扮演教授时候的冷静睿智 ❺几次“集中营艾哈特”和下属的甩锅对话(这个角色几次出场都是滑稽角色) 看完全集又回去看了一会开头大家都是了不起的演员
Seems to be based on a true story. Kind of cliche when dealing with life and death. But indeed touching when death does lovers apart.