Andrew McCarthy好可爱Molly这部戏的衣服没那么喜欢了有的地方太冗余了1. Andie对爸爸大叫"She's not coming back" 2. Andie一个人站在大厅里说damn 3. Duckie说你快去追他啊幽灵公主中文版这么浪漫的时刻你可别毁了不是为了有人不分贵贱地喜欢你而高兴而是为了有Duckie这样的男孩子在舞会上等你而感动
it's not the best rocknroll movie. But it's honest. Cuz The Boat That Rocked is too fairy-tale. Really glad that Penny is real. Do you love rocknroll cuz it makes you look cool? We are all uncool. But still, water runs deep, and we love everything about music. not money, no drugs