We always find ourselves shadow in someone film or plot. Life must have a process of seeking the direction, sometimes it comes early, sometimes it comes later, even it never comes in the whole life. Scott is a 2B, but he is lucky, because he met some kind people.
選角氣氛套路逗乏善可陳油膩的男二我都想掐死到了2/3處才開始劇情高潮比較拖沓倒是覺得劇情的高光在第二次警察問話的時候兩個人不斷通過經常得知對方的秘密心領神會的眼神戲足以佐證“婚姻即博弈”的道理:殺人太快的內疚頓時被妻子當著面扯謊的惱怒一掃而光同樣妻子出軌的後悔也同時被丈夫其實是殺人犯的彌天大謊變得五味雜陳最後是逃走還是自首极限挑战第三季第二期是"同甘共苦"的真情覺醒還是“知己知彼”的coping mechanism就各自品味了 ps:如果類型是情色片那實在是看過最turn me off的了
看了宗萨蒋扬钦哲仁波切的“It’s like playing cards, once the cards are given to you, you don’t have much choice. You have to play with that, you only have control with whatever you have. But you can also learn to not to play the card. So that you don’t even have to go through the burden to go through your cards.”