HK iSquare再过个10年的样子艳妇乳肉豪妇荡乳ⅩXXOO电影应该就和The Shawshank Redemption一样变成一部经典的鸡肋片素质不低但剪辑太碎节奏也太仓促结构的扭转还是掩盖不了一个弱剧本另外实在对那些视诺兰如神明的文青对怀疑者的五毛式口气感到不解....
Definitely a topic that would interest a Physics aficionado. However, despite the interesting backdrop, this play can be irksome with silly, bitter dialogues at times. Structurally it got more exciting after the halfway point. 007 was hot in it, much more so than the later commercial rubbish that he got stuck in